
Popular textbook co-written by UGA professor back for third edition

Athens, Ga. – An internationally popular textbook on conservation biology, edited and penned in part by University of Georgia professor C. Ronald Carroll, has been updated. Sinauer Associates published the third edition of Principles of Conservation Biology by Martha J. Groom, Gary K. Meffe and C. Ronald Carroll today. The book is used in colleges and universities across the U.S., Canada, Russia, South America and Europe.

“It is by far the most widely used upper level and graduate textbook for conservation biology,” said Carroll of the book, the second edition of which has gone through six printings. The book explains biodiversity concepts and approaches to solving a variety of conservation challenges. Carroll, a professor with UGA’s Institute of Ecology, was co-author of the book’s first edition, published in 1994.

Part of the book’s value, said Carroll, is its usefulness beyond the classroom to researchers and professionals in the field. Besides explaining foundations of the field and the current risks to biodiversity, Principles contains case studies of real-world problems and outlines techniques with which they can be addressed. The wide range of topics covered includes invasive species, climate change, conservation ethics, habitat fragmentation, genetics implications and sustainable development.

“We’re very excited about this. This definitely was very well received as the top book for upper level undergraduates and graduate level students,” said Sinauer representative Nancy Asai.

A companion Web site supported by Sinauer will be online by September to provide supplemental resources to accompany the textbook (www.sinauer.com/groom). At the site, readers will find study questions, suggested readings, and Web links for each chapter, as well as essays, case studies and boxes that expand on the book’s coverage of selected topics. A CD-ROM is also available to instructors, containing, among other things, all the illustrations and tables from the book for use in lecture presentations and other course documents.
