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Book analyzes digital poetry collection

Poesia y poeticas digitales/electronicas/tecnos/new-media en America Latina: definiciones y exploraciones
Luis Correa-Diaz and Scott Weintraub
Ediciones Universidad Central
Open-access e-book

Luis Correa-Diaz, a professor of Spanish in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and Scott Weintraub, an assistant professor of Spanish at the University of New Hampshire, are co-editors of Poesia y poeticas digitales/electronicas/tecnos/new-media en America Latina: definiciones y exploraciones.

Translated as Digital Poetry and Poetics—Electronic—Techno—New Media in Latin America, the book contains 20 essays that analyze new media poetics in the U.S. and several Latin American countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru.

The book follows a recentlypublished “sampling” of digital poetry in the Chilean poetry journal Aerea: revista hispanoamericana de poesia, edited by Correa-Diaz. It can be purchased as a Kindle book through Amazon. Published by Ediciones Universidad Central, the book is available as an open-access e-book, with distribution through a Creative Commons 2.5 license.