Campus News

Reserve prcedures change

The board of regents has modified its policy on copyrighted works, and effective summer term, all reserve works will be subject to the new change.
Faculty are required to complete and retain a copy of the new Fair Use Checklist for each “fair use” of a copyrighted work in order to establish a “reasonable and good faith” attempt at applying fair use should any dispute regarding such use arise.

According to the board of regents’ Additional Guidelines for Electronic Reserves, “Instructors are responsible for evaluating, on a case-by-case basis, whether the use of a copyrighted work on electronic reserves requires permission or qualifies as a fair use. If relying upon the fair use exception, instructors must complete a copy of the fair use checklist before submitting material for electronic reserves.”

In accordance with this policy, beginning with summer 2009 submissions, the UGA Libraries will require acknowledgement of this responsibility with all course reserve requests for materials that are protected by copyright.

More information about determining Fair Use can be found online at Information regarding how to use the Fair Use checklist can be found at The checklist to determine fair use can be found at