Campus News

Physical Plant reduces injuries, saves money with safety programs

Tommy Smith
Tommy Smith

Physical Plant reduces injuries, saves money with safety programs

The state of Georgia processes more than 10,000 accident or injury claims each year, resulting in payments of more than $100 million, according to statistics provided by the Department of Administrative Services Risk Management Section.

As a result, all state agencies are now required to develop written loss prevention and control programs to identify, assess and mitigate risks and hazards that lead to potential losses.

The Comprehensive Loss Control Program requires agencies to bear the burden for the claims they experience, meaning increased claims could hit them in their pocketbooks through higher insurance premiums and deductibles.

UGA’s Physical Plant is well ahead of the game, having implemented a safety program in July 2005. In January, Physical Plant leaders celebrated the safety milestones that have been achieved in the reduction of on-the-job injuries. Staff at the central steam plant took top honors by working 1,000 days without a lost-time injury, while a total of 14 shops finished 2009 with no lost-time injuries.

“We know that safety pays,” said Hope Thomas, Physical Plant safety coordinator. “Maintaining safe work practices reduces worker’s compensation claims, increases productivity by keeping people on the job and creates a healthy work environment in the process. We at the Physical Plant are committed to following industry ‘best management practices’ as catalysts to reduce worker’s compensation costs. We are confident that we will exceed the CLCP’s claim reduction goals for 2010.”