Campus News

Eight employees retiree Dec. 1, 2015

Eight UGA employees retired Dec. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and length of employment are: Robert P. Andoh, senior public service associate-limited term, Small Business Development Center, 24 years; Kathy B. Baldwin, senior public service associate, UGA Cooperative Extension-Southeast District, 31 years, 5 months; David Wayne Crawford, senior agricultural specialist, Field Research Services-Griffin campus, 38 years, 5 months; Linda Drummond, program specialist I, School of Social Work, 15 years; Ronald D. Hamlin, manager, Campus Transit System, 25 years, 2 months; Sidney W. Harrison, electrician, Facilities Management Division-Off-Campus Zone Shop, 28 years, 3 months; Noel Holston, senior public relations coordinator, College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 9 years, 10 months; and M. Elaine Ingram, county secretary, UGA Cooperative Extension-Northeast District, 35 years, 9 months.